Hello Potential Creator!
I hope you find something that inspires you in this letter. If you enjoy rolling with a blank slate method for gift creation, please feel free to take my DNWs and general likes from my AO3 signup and throw everything else out! All of the prompts & likes that are provided in this letter are meant to give you a jumping off point if you’d like one. Otherwise, I’m excited to see what inspires you about these fandoms & ships. :D
Good luck & happy creating!
architeuthis: There's Something in the Air Tonight (art)
My oldest cube-based OTP, :3 / D:There's Something in the Air Tonight by architeuthis
T/O/S • General Audiences • art
I've been thinking about this artwork off and on for several years, haunted by this ship I didn't know that I had, which was abbreviated as T/O/S for the entry in the tagset. (I also think of it as :3 / D: ) It is a cracky ship, to be sure, but it genuinely pleases and delights me.
The Shapes. T: Purple block shaped like the capital letter T. O: Square yellow block. Looks like it would be good at smashing. Often ruins games when they come without warning onto a full field. S: One of a set of mirrored blocks, the S block is green. It's mirrored twin (evil twin???) is red.
Squares, geometric shapes, time loops, cyclical relationships, crack treated seriously, also just crack, heists, tiny evil goatees,
Pixel Art • Hexel Art • Voxel Art • CG art • Retro-pastiches of 80s and 90s-era games • Vaporwave Art • Abstract Art • De Stijl art movement • Glowing & Neon things • Sparkles • Grids • Tessellating Patterns • Recursive Design & Patterns • Zentangles • Mandalas • Historical Art Pastiches • Ikea-style illustrations • Plans, blueprints, schematic drawings • C U B E S
See current ao3 signup!
bironic: Starships! (vid)
S T A R S H I P S. ;-;Starships by bironic
Everyone/Space Exploration • General Audiences • vid
Before I just run my mouth about how much I love space and spaceships and the crews that pilot them, let me get the most important thing out of the way: I'm requesting original character(s) in a multifandom vid. I'd love to see NEW characters and/or NEW starships, either from one of the fandoms in the vid, or just completely original worldbuilding in a completely original setting featuring completely original ships and/or crews. I'll leave that up to you!
Exploration • Cosmic Wonder • Black Holes • Faraway stars and starfields • Ships lined up for the start of a race • Space Battles • Triumphing over a no-win situation • Pilots and their bonds with the ships they're piloting • Characters learning to fly • Competence Kink • Characters Connecting with the history of spaceflight (either actualfacts NASA history, canon history for the fandom you might select to write in, or completely invented spaceflight history for your original worldbuilding)
+ Schematics, blueprints, isometric views of ships.
+ All kinds of art, including pixel & sprite artwork, hexel and voxel artwork, animated gifs, CG art/renders.
+ Beautiful panoramas of S P A C E feat. a tiny ship next to the grandeur of space.
+ Ship go vrooom :D
The canons used in the vid that I'm familiar with:
+ Alien & Aliens
+ Apollo 13
+ Battlestar Galactica
+ Community
+ Doctor Who
+ Dune
+ Farscape
+ The Fifth Element
+ Firefly & Serenity
+ Forbidden Planet
+ Futurama
+ Galaxy Quest
+ Independence Day
+ Spaceballs
+ Star Trek II, IV, VII, VIII, XI
+ Star Trek: TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY
+ Star Wars IV & V
+ Stargate Atlantis
+ Stargate SG-1
+ Superman
+ Wall-E
See current ao3 signup!
architeuthis: The Kings of Yesterday (fic)
KannaOphelia: Think Not of the Prize (fic)
Leonor (DachOsmin): Peccavi (art)
Verecunda: The Revelation of Brother Eadwine (fic)
The "I need more of this ship" requestThe Kings of Yesterday by architeuthis
Thief of Religious Antiquities/Solar Deity Whose Relic Was Stolen (M/M) • Teen and up • 9.9k
Think Not of the Prize by KannaOphelia
Devout Knight/Fallen Angel He Accidentally Rescues (M/M) • Explicit • 10.4k
Peccavi by Leonor (DachOsmin)
Monk/Enchantingly Beautiful Novice Who Is Secretly The Devil (M/M) • Explicit • art
The Revelation of Brother Eadwine by Verecunda
Scriptorium Monk Drawing Dirty Marginalia/Monk in Charge of Illumination Project (M/M) • Explicit • 13.2k
I love these fanworks and I just have. A NEED. These works all deal with men of holiness or faith--monks and religious novices and and knights and men who gave up their religious calling for something else--coming face-to-face with fellow monks or celestial beings they probably shouldn't fuck. But. You know how fickle the heart can be. :D
The Kings of Yesterday, Jayavir/the Sun
Think Not of the Prize, Sir Leofric/Daob
The Revelation of Brother Eadwine, Brother Eadwine/Brother Cathal
Peccavi, Monk/Enchantingly Beautiful Novice Who Is Secretly The Devil
+ Alternate takes/remixes of canon. What if one detail had been different? How would the ship have worked out? Would it have taken them longer/shorter to get together?
+ Sequels and prequels. What were these characters doing BEFORE they met?
+ Identity Reveals. I adore identity porn/identity play. If there's some in canon already, WHAT IF THERE WERE MORE?? Identity reveals are A++++. Scenes/snippets that deal with the characters thinking about the aftermath/fallout of identity porn are great. As are scenarios where the characters might choose to flee from each other, REGRET IT, and then have to find each other somehow.
+ Alternate perspective(s)! I adore when canon is retold from another character's perspective. What was the Sun or Brother Cathal's perspective on their respective love interests? What motivated them? When they did fall in love? What if one of Daob's lieutenants was narrating her boss falling in love. Ugh, with a mortal, even!
+ The canon + extra complications/crime(s). What if Brother Cathal had continued on his lewd illumination campaign? What if an entire codex had gone missing? What if Leofric hadn't been able to put the prize out of his mind when he was trying to free Daob, and he vowed to STAY THERE until he had freed him?
+ Missing or deleted scene PWPs. What if the canon, but more smut?? Jayavir and the Sun need to touch faces, don't you agree. :D?
+ Fluff or slice-of-life. After the dust has settled on these ships' adventures, how would them settling down even work, especially if there's a god thrown into a mix?
+ Wingfic. One of these characters canonically has wings (Daob). But what if: Wingfic for any character! All kinds of wings! Angelic wings. Bird wings. Weird gold mechanical wings! I adore the mild/light body horror of a character just suddenly having wings one day and not knowing what the fuck that is about, and struggling to keep their shit together and hide their damn wings and try not to get mistaken for an angel/demon/deity.
+ (Semi) Anonymous Sex.Jayavir maybe working some of his feeling about the Sun out with some casual, fun, anonymous sex and WHOOPS it's the Sun. How did that happen. :D :D :D :D
Religious imagery; characters grappling with their faith/religion/sense of morality or lack thereof esp. vis-a-vis with whom they've chosen to lay their affections; churches and temples; religious allegory; dream allegory; seduction; thievery/shenanigans as seduction; pre-slash; get-togethers; established relationship fic; deserts; oases; puzzles; adventures; artwork and making artwork and stealing artwork; quiet moments between lovers; mild/light body horror
+ Tarot card-inspired art
+ E-rated art
+ JEWELRY, gems, other bejeweled objects
+ Characters with religious imagery, like wings, halos, invictus crowns, symbolic haloes of daggers, glow-y things, drippy gold or drippy black details
+ Black/white/gold color palettes
+ Watercolors
+ Characters being embraced from behind
+ Art nouveau touches and flourishes
+ Coloring pages
Anything that occurs in these canons • kissing • spanking • impact play • dubious consent • seduction • blind masks or blindfolds • having anonymous/masked sex with a partner whose identity they don't know • identity play/reveal during sex (e.g. one character discovering who the other is AFTER they're having sex with them and being pretty fucked up about it) • semi-public sex • ritual sex (on altars or in churches/temples :D) • characters using their powers during sex • characters experiencing a complicated emotional journey DURING smut, but they're on-board with everything by the end • frottage • handjobs • intercrural • under or non-negotiated kink
See current ao3 signup!
TKodami: Triple Crown of Exchanges Banner (art)
Ponies! Ponies! Ponies!Triple Crown of Exchanges Banner by TKodami
General Audiences • art
I created a banner for the Triple Crown of Exchanges, with Ponies as anthropomorphic versions of each exchange. The idea of each pony has taken shape over the course of the event, though these are by no means the only interpretation(s) possible for these characters! There's the stalwart and steady companion of FFFX (sometimes called Shadowfffx, because any jokes about Tolkien are GREAT), the magical unicorn that is Fic in a Box (sometimes called Phoebe), and the fat gremlin pony for Heart Attack (basically just a rip-off of Kate Beaton's Fat Pony. Unsurprisingly, this pony just gets called Pony).
I would love to receive some art about these ponies. I'm here for all manner of nonsense. I love them so very much. I would be interested in art of any of the individual ponies, or all of them together. Whatever strikes your fancy! <3
+ Visiting cool historical places. Castles! French Chateaux! Gothic Cathedrals! Ponies in places ponies shouldn't be!
+ Exploring ruins. Ancient walls. Crumbling pillars!Finding TREASURE in those ruins. Storerooms, treasure chests, and more.
+ Jewelry. What kinds of gems, jewels or jewelry might any of the horses wear? OR STEAL.
+ Tarot or Oracle Card-inspired artworks. This is such a fun trend in Dragon Age: Inquisition art, and this would be RAD AS HELL for the ponies.
+ TRAINING MONTAGE!?!? How are these ponies going to gear up for their next big race!
+ Ugly sweaters. Give me horses in the ugliest possible holiday sweaters.
+ Slice-of-life. One or all of the ponies chilling around a library full of books. Pony eating one of the books, probably :D?
+ An allegorical map that follows the ponies' adventures while participating in Triple Crown, or getting ready for the next one. I love all kinds of maps, Allegorical maps, treasure maps, quest maps, game maps. Maps that look like they've been scribbled on a coffee-stained napkin. Fancy maps that have little hoof prints stamping up and down the sides.
+ Any plot inspired by reading, writing, books, or the Triple Crown itself.
+ FIAB's flowing mane and MAGICAL SPARKLES.
+ Pony's over-reliance on caffeinated beverages. Coffee boxes, empty coffee cups & mugs... blood-shot eyes. Anything!
+ FFFX's well-kept appearance and general competence and surefootedness.
+ Simple linework.
+ Coloring pages are AWESOME.
+ Pastiches of tapestry, knitting, or other fibrearts.
+ Ponies in Historical Art Pastiches where they probably shouldn't be.
See current ao3 signup!
architeuthis: His Greatest Adversary Yet (fic)
My most recent ship obsessionHis Greatest Adversary Yet by architeuthis
Retired Male Superhero/Male Supervillain Who Keeps Seeking Him Out Because He Misses Him (M/M) • Mature • 15.4k
Yes, hello, I would like to introduce you to my most recent ship obsession, Maxwell Missing/Joseph Nayar. Joseph Nayar is the Beacon, a retired superhero who has left the whole world guessing what happened to him when he suddenly disappears. He's like Captain America and Superman all rolled up into one. He can project barriers and walls in various shapes, and so far, has never met a match for his powers. Maxwell Missing is the bank robber who can walk through walls and almost bested the Beacon, one time. They're not nemeses. Max is pretty clear on that. Except for the part where he built a gun just to kill the Beacon, should they ever meet again.
Except they DO meet again. And it goes wildly different than Max could have ever expected.
I love this ship, and want the best things for them. I would enjoy shipfic or gen fic for Joseph and Max. I'd love to read basically anything you'd like to write about them and any and all art you might like to make of them. <3
+ Coffee Date! How will Joseph conceal his identity from EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET (or at least from this rooftop bar) so he can have a casual date with Max? What the heck is Joseph going to say to Max once he confronts him, knowing he's Doctor Nowhere?
+ Coffee date but with an Identity Porn swerve! Joseph does NOT know that Max is Doctor Nowhere when he offers to see him at the Watchtower. What the hell happens if Joseph finds out when they're literally out on the town together, and a minor supervillain crashes their fun?
+ Temporary Depowering. What if Joseph's retirement had been caused by a temporary loss of his powers?
+ Even more inadvisable hookup. What if Joseph and Max's first confrontation had ended--not in a maze to a sleeping-gas grenade--but to Joseph himself? What if Joseph had decided to retire because he had an inadvisable hookup with a supervillain who's face he never saw?
+ Post-retirement hobbies. What if, when Max was snooping around Joseph's house, he found a conspiracy board that was trying to track down Doctor Nowhere's identity? How would that have played out? Would Max have tried to plant false leads? Or perhaps be incensed if Joseph was attributing crimes to him that he didn't commit/overlooking the ones that he did?
+ Heist(s)! I'd love a fic about Max pulling off a heist pre-canon with Mercury Man & Hexbeast.
+ Worldbuilding. If there are other tantalizing details that you'd like to pull out of the story, I'd be thrilled to know more about them/see art of them! Like we get all of these mentions of stuff happening in space, but it seems so far-off and remote to the average citizen. And then, bam, a space ship shows up to steal the Pacific Ocean. I'd love to see snippets, scenes, comics, or artworks of Joseph and/or Max reacting to these crises and/or saving the day, as the case may be!
+ Uniform kink. Max in a labcoat-inspired costume? Joseph's many and various Warden uniforms. Logos/Symbols for them.
+ Identity porn/Identity Play.
+ Get-together fic. Kissing!
+ Fics that end happily or at least on an ambiguously hopefully note.
+ Canon Divergence.
+ For want of a nail style storylines. What would happen if one little detail had been different?
+ AUs (except No Powers AUs). I'd be thrilled with any AUs, including ones where they're not superheroes/villains...just so long as they still have their powers. Florist AU, but Max still sees/dreams of the Deep? Please feel free to go wild with this.
+ If you decide to create a fanwork set in different point in their lives, I'd prefer that Joseph is over 20.
tarot card-inspired art; E-rated art; characters being embraced from behind; superhero tropes; princess carry poses; Joseph's blue glowing barriers; the DEEP :D
Max being a bit of a pillow queen • Either character topping or bottoming or switching • Sex that involves Max's and/or Joseph's powers • Breathplay/Choking • Honor Bondage • Masks, Blindfolds & Blind masks • Pain Play • Face Slapping • Impact Play/Spanking • Knife/Weapon Play • Clothed/Unclothed • Orgasm Denial • Ruined Orgasms • Fight Fucking • Interrupted Sex • Mutual Masturbation • Non-negotiated Kink • Sex Pollen • Fuck Or Die • Sex in Semi-Public Places • Intercrural • Blowjobs • Handjobs • Fingering • Rimming • Anal Sex • Mission kissing • Mission fucking
See current ao3 signup!
Kryptontease: from heedless shores unknown (fic)
SCREAMING INTENSIFIESfrom heedless shores unknown by Kryptontease
Explorer/Forgotten Deity of a Long Lost Shrine (M/Other) • Teen and up • 6.2k
This request is going to be all over the place; I'm kind of unsure about what to prompt about my own fic. REGARDLESS, I would be so thrilled for more about Balian/Arizmech or gen of either character. I love these characters, and would love to see learning more about each other. And maybe, just maybe, getting some of what they want. ACHIEVING GOALS, yessss. If you're really excited about gen about one of these characters, I am right there with you. I'd love to know more about Balian or Arizmech's backstories. How did they even get to where they're at in their lives??
Also, please feel free to do whatever you'd like about Arizmech's pronoun situation. The narrative uses "it" for Arizmech, but also feel free to use they/them, he/him, or whatever pronouns make sense in the story you choose to write! If you'd like to avoid the pronoun situation entirely, I'd also down for 1st & 2nd person narratives, and I'm very excited by characters swapping letters/other forms of direct communication that side-steps this issue.
+ WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY GOING TO DO IN THE MORNING? That innkeeper is just going to get more and more irate.
+ Arizmech mentions The Enemy and His Brother as two different adversaries. What might they do when they discover Arizmech's been freed?
+ PWP. I gloss over the night that Balian and Arizmech spend with each other and would be down for smut if you're in the mood to write smut. :D
+ Balian returns to the Adventurer's Club. Does he give a talk about what he found in the jungle? Is he just there to collect his things? STEAL SOMETHING? Look for clues for a further adventure? Bringing a god out of the jungle isn't going to get Balian the tenure he wants, after all.
+ Arizmech gets temporarily depowered, and they get caught in a cave somewhere :D?
+ Lecture notes! The setting is kind of reminiscent of a faux-fantasy-Victorian age of exploration. What kinds of lecture notes would Balian prepare? Balian trying to explain Arizmech while having to cross out all of the sexual thoughts that keep wandering into his mind would be hilarious.
+ What happens in 25 years' time? Will Arizmech keep the oath that was made? (Please note my DNW of permanent character death! Temporary character death is a-okay; and having characters leaving the planet to exist on a different/astral/magical plane or realm after "dying" would not bump up against this DNW.)
+ Tarot card artworks of Balian or Arizmech.
+ Any scene from the story, but illustrated
+ A drawing of Arizmech in any of its forms! Giant eyeball? Basically human but with a bunch of eyeballs all over the body? EXTREMELY HOT PERSON THAT BALIAN CAN'T TAKE HIS EYES OFF OF? I'd be thrilled for any of these!
+ Balian in full-on adventurer gear before he set out into the jungle. Maybe a portrait he took before he left for the Adventurer's Club.
+ Balian surrounded by a stack of books, or maps, or equipment. If you enjoy doing backgrounds, the Adventurer's Club, or the Museum where the maps were stored
+ If you don't like drawing people, I'd also love having small vignettes of landscape (the jungle), the revelcharm vines, the Hailing Stone.
+ Balian slumped on the Hailing Stone, thinking he's going to die. OOOh, give me that angst. :D
+ Big ole huge list of art likes incoming: pretty much any art style; pixel and hexel and voxel artwork; CG art/renders; Beautiful panoramas; drawings of adventuring gear; MAPS; chibis; typographic artwork, like book plates or title pages or frontispieces to books; book covers; crests or sigils associated with the characters; rainbows; sparkles; P L A N T S. Adventuring posters/posters for one of his talks feat. Balian looking dashing and definitely not falling to his death.
+ Action/adventure fic & art
+ Wilderness Survival
+ Humor. I enjoy comedy, crack, farce.
+ If you want to go dark and angsty, I won't be mad at that :D :D :D
+ Jungle Settings
+ Alternate get-together fics!
+ Sequels
+ Expanding on canon details that catch your interest/imagination.
+ Someone getting kidnapped or imprisoned and the other half of the ship having to rescue them somehow
+ Temporary de-powering plots.
+ Unusual fic formats (epistolary, poetry, Interactive Fiction)
So I usually have a comprehensive list of smut likes, and I still like those things! For this pairing, because Arizmech is so much like "whoops, I forgot what humans like" and Balian hasn't even given a thought to doing relationships, I'd be down for any kind of sexual or kink exploration, masturbation, mutual masturbation, two people who don't even know how to have sex with each other shenanigans that you could imagine.
See current ao3 signup!
Created 7/01/2021 for the Recursive Exchange.